Many people struggle every time they open their mail or email. They ask themselves, “Is this important? Do I need this? Should I keep it? Should I throw it away?” Somewhere between the paper squirrel, who saves everything “just in case,” and the purger, who tosses...
This material was prepared by fpPathfinder and does not necessarily represent the views of the presenting party, nor their affiliates. This information has been derived from sources believed to be accurate. Please note – investing involves risk, and past performance...
Over the past two decades there has been an explosion of supportive housing alternatives, and the options are no longer limited to a choice between staying at home or moving to a nursing home. The two main alternatives to nursing homes are assisted living facilities...
Woe to the taxpayer who runs afoul of the numerous and confusing IRA rules. There are forms to file, contributions to make, distributions to take, and penalties to avoid. While corrections are possible, it’s best to avoid mistakes in the first place. Here’s what you...
Financial Know How for Women. Today, you need a plan to call your own. For many women, financial independence is their No.1 concern. But what steps can you take to achieve this throughout your life? Here are a few key action items to help increase financial...